

「link:」コマンドがすべてのバックリンクを表示しない理由は、Matt Cutts(マット・カッツ)氏がビデオで説明しています。


一方、Google Webmaster Help ForumではGoogle社員のJohn Mueller(ジョン・ミューラー)氏が、「site:」コマンドが不正確なことを認めています。

For information about the number of URLs indexed, I’d recommend submitting a Sitemap file with the preferred URLs through Webmaster Tools. There you can see the number of URLs (based on the ones that you submitted) that were actually indexed. This number is much more realistic than the rough approximation given in a site:-query (also keep in mind that the site:-query is a restrict, so it’s by design not a conclusive list of matching URLs).

That said, one of the most important elements in having many URLs indexed properly is to make sure that the content returned is unique and compelling. If for instance you are hosting the exact same content on multiple URLs, this can result in us only indexing one copy. Similarly, if we determine that the content is generally the same as available elsewhere, this can result in us not indexing as much as we might otherwise.

At any rate, focusing on the site:-query rough approximations will not lead to useful results.


  • 検索での「site:」コマンドはおおまかな情報しか返さない
  • GoogleウェブマスターツールでXMLサイトマップを送信して確認したほうがよい
  • ウェブマスターツールが示すURLの数が実際にインデックスされているURLの数





