
Vote for the Search Blogs Awards of 2007 先日、グーグルが画像の中の文字を認識できるようになりそうだという記事を投稿しました。



GoogleのMatt Cutts氏がCNET NewsのJeff Muendel氏とのインタビューの中で、GooglebotがFlashをどのように見るかについて語っています。

I think that we do a pretty good job of reading textual content. Now, stuff within Flash is binary and you can define it in terms of characters and strokes – so you can have things that look like normal text – but that are completely weird and are not really normal text. So it can be difficult to pull the text out a Flash file. I think we do pretty well. It used to be the case that we had our own, home-brew code to pull the text out of Flash, but I think that we have moved to the Search Engine SDK tool that Adobe/Macromedia offers. So, my hunch is that most of the search engines will standardize on using that Search Engine SDK tool to pull out the text. The easiest way to know whether you have textual content that can be read in a Flash file, is that you could always use that tool yourself and verify as well.

Flashの開発元のAdobeが、Search Engine SDKという検索エンジン向けのSDKを公開しています。
※「SDK(Software Development Kit)」とは、ソフトウェアを開発するために必要な技術文書やツールなどの一式のこと。


もしあなたが自分でFlashを作成できて、このSearch Engine SDKも利用することができるなら、FlashにSEO対策をすることもできます。
