ほとんど出てこないのが、MSN Live Search。
だからというわけでもないのですが、今日はYahoo!の買収にかかっているMicrosoftが運営するMSN Live Searchについてのトピックです。
MSN Live Searchは、昨年の大規模なアルゴリズムのメジャーアップデート以来、細かなマイナーアップデートを繰り返してきました。
こういった厳しいアルゴリズムついて、MSN Live Searchにフィードバックしたウェブマスターが、次のような回答を得ています。
The Live Search team is in the process of modifying the algorithms we use to determine which sites are indexed by Live Search index and which sites receive a ranking so our crawlers will visit the site. At the end of September we launched new ranking and indexing algorithms that were stricter than we anticipated, and we are now changing them to bring back many sites that were removed from our index or given a lower rank. We apologize that it is taking so long to remedy this situation, and we are treating it very seriously. Having high quality content is important to us and we want to make sure we get this right.
We do not have an exact date for fixing this issue, but our plan is to have it resolved near the end of spring. This is our number one priority and we have put all our resources into solving it and bringing a better balance to our indexing so it won’t happen again. We appreciate your patience while we resolve this issue, and hope you understand that at this time there is nothing we can do to modify or improve your site’s index or ranking.
at this time there is nothing we can do
こういった突っ込みに応えたかどうかはわかりませんが、実はMSN Live Searchは、2週間ほど前にインデックスとランキングのアップデートを行っていたようです。
MicrosoftがYahoo!の買収に成功した場合、MSN Live Searchが検索サービスとして採用される確立が高いですから、MSN Live Searchの情報をもっと提供できるようにします。