[対象: 全員]
GoogleのMatt Cutts(マット・カッツ)氏が、米オースティンで先週開催されたSXSWというカンファレンスのパネルディスカッションでこのようにコメントしました。
まず、Matt Cutts氏は「ペナルティ」という言葉を使っていないし、SEOがダメだとも言っていません。
やり過ぎなくらいSEOを施策しているサイトがあったとします(Matt Cutts氏は、適当な表現を思い浮かばないとしつつ、“over optimization”(過剰な最適化)、“overly doing their SEO”(SEOをやり過ぎていること)と表現しています。)。
また、Matt Cutts氏はSEOを否定していなし、GoogleがSEOを嫌っているということもないと断言しています。
Danny Sullivan(ダニー・サリバン)氏が司会を務め、GoogleのMatt Cutts氏とBingのDuanne Forrester(デュアン・フォレスター)氏が語ったSXSWのパネルディスカッションのレコーディングはこちらで聴くことができます。
以下は該当する箇所のMatt Cutts氏の発言のトランスクリプトです(手間がかかりすぎるので全訳はやめておきます)。
Absolutely. That is a fantastic question and I’m really glad you asked it. The way that I often think about SEO is that it’s like a coach. It’s someone who helps you figure out how to present yourself better. In an ideal world, though, you wouldn’t have to think about presenting yourself and whether search engines can crawl your website. Because they’d just be so good that they can figure out how to call through the Flash, how to crawl through the forums, how to crawl through the JavaScript, how to crawl through whatever it is.
And, for the most part, most search engines have made a lot of progress on being able to crawl thought that richer content.
And now what’s interesting about your question is you went a little bit deeper and you said, “Well, what about all the people who are sort of optimizing really heard and doing a lot of SEO?” And normally we don’t sort of pre-announce changes, but there is something that we’ve been working on in the last few months. And hopefully, in the next couple months or so, in the coming weeks, we hope to release it.
And the idea is basically to try and level the playing ground a little bit. So all those people who have sort of been doing, for lack of a better word, “over optimization” or “overly doing their SEO”, compared to the people who are just making great content and trying to make a fantastic site, we want to sort of make that playing field a little bit more level.
So that’s the sort of thing where we try to make the website, the Google Bot smarter, we try to make our relevance more adaptive so that people don’t do SEO, we handle that and then we also start to look at the people who sort of abuse it, whether they throw too many keywords on the page, or whatever they exchange way too many links, or whatever they are doing to sort of go beyond what a normal person would expect in a particular area. So that is something where we continue to pay attention and we continue to work on it, and it is an active area where we’ve got several engineers on my team working on that right now.
No, no. So, a lot of people seem to think that Google hates SEO. That’s definitely not the case. A lot of people seem to think that…
No. I did not say Google hates SEO.
We even made a video about this. If you do a search for webmaster videos, you know we’ve made something like 400 videos. And we made one specifically to say Google does not hate SEO, because SEO can often be very helpful. It can make a site more crawlable. It can make a site more accessible. It can think about the words that users are gonna type whenever they come to a search engine and make sure that those words are on the page, which just makes the site more user-friendly.
So the same sorts of things you do to optimize your return on investment and how well something spreads virally or socially is the exact same sort of stuff that often works well from a search engine perspective. So there is a ton of stuff that is fantastic to do as an SEO, it just makes your content more crawlable and more accessible.
But absolutely there are some people who take it too far. And what we are mindful of is when someone say “We are White Hat. We continue to do the right thing, and we see the Black Hats who are over optimizing or going too far, and they seem to be doing too well.” So we’ve been working on changes to try to make sure that if you are a White Hat or if you’ve been doing very little SEO that you are going to not be affected by this change. But if you’ve been going way far beyond the pale, then that’s the sort of thing where your site might not rank as highly as it did before.
- コンテンツ − ユーザーにとって有益な情報を提供する
- クローラビリティ − 検索エンジンがコンテンツをクロールしやすくインデックスしやすくしたサイト・ページを構成する
- アクセシビリティ(or IA) − 求める情報にユーザーがアクセスしやすくする